Our Dungeon Masters and creative consultants bring a cumulative century of Dungeons & Dragons running experience to our Epic D&D tables.
Admin Team

Matthew Vercant
Just Games Store Owner
( He / Him )
Matthew Vercant has worked for three game stores and managed shipping for Minion Games, and now owns Just Games Rochester. His background before entering the game industry was in publishing and teaching.
His interests include Magic artist proofs, collecting Shahrazad, map-making for D&D, and helping create a fun game night for others. He is happy when he can work with local board game publishers.

Program Lead / Admin
( He / Him )
Lore coming soon…
Dungeon Masters

( He / Him )
Billy has been into TTRPG’s since 6th grade, which is surprising because he was telling stories long before that to any one who would listen, and also those that wouldn’t.
His favorite thing about the genre is that anyone can play in “The Sandbox” without worrying about space to play.
One fun fact about him is that he hoards RPG books that he may never play, which is completely fine by him.

( He / Him )
Lore coming soon…

(He / Him)
Colton is super excited to be DM-ing for everyone in the upcoming seasons of Epic D&D.
I’ve been in the D&D scene practically since I was knee-high to a halfling. Creating stories and battling the forces of evil with excited adventurers will always be the best of times!
When I’m not the man behind the proverbial curtain, I’m usually found writing and pretending to be a world class chef.

(He / Him)
I have been playing D&D for probably almost four decades now, and dm’d for the rpga back when they were a Powerhouse of living games and made it to Master Level DM and Paragon level player. Kind of freaks me out when I realize how many hundreds nay I say thousands of hours- I’ve spent rolling dice in one way or another.
Some interesting facts about myself, I’ve done Improv competitions, teach mediation classes, and am a trained metalsmith.

(She / Her)
I’ve been DMing for nearly a decade, through various systems. But 5e has gave me various fond memories. And I’m a nerd for D&D lore and mechanics.
If I had to chose a favorite thing about TTRPGs it would be the group storytelling aspect, and how we together create wonderful worlds, thrilling stories, deep meaningful interactions and compelling characters.
I love homebrewing, and have created a couple settings, one game system and numerous supplementals.

( He / They )
As a character artist, history buff, and worldbuilding machine of almost 20 years, I find my joy in the tiny details that make a world come alive!
Every person, every character, has a whole world of their own behind their eyes, an entire life lived and living.
The stories we write in our D&D campaigns are more than just games, they’re an intrepid exploration into a universe of your creation!

( He / Him )
Patrick has been playing TTRPGS for almost 4 decades and shows no signs of stopping.
D&D to me is the gateway for folks to a hobby unlike all others, allowing humans of all ages to “play pretend” in a safe environment.
Patrick moonlights as a mock patient for medical students and occasionally appears on stage when he has time.

(He / Him)
I’ve been playing TTRPGS for about 15 years now, and I’ve been playing D&D the whole time. I’ve branched out to a number of other systems since then, but D&D has always been my favorite.
My favorite part about D&D is the shared narrative that lets everyone at the table tell a story, together.
A fun fact about myself is I am a dual citizen both here and in the U.K.

( She / They )
I started playing and running D&D a decade ago with 4th edition and now 5th edition.
My favorite aspects of the game are teaching new folks how to play and discovering who my characters are when they set out on adventures with their found family. I’ve appreciated the opportunity to be Lead Admin for Epic D&D for five seasons.
I’m a bit of a dice goblin and love watching my aquarium of cherry shrimp, snails, and tetras.
Special Thanks
A shout out of appreciation to past members of our DM Team for helping to create our campaigns and bringing them to life week after week.
Year 1 in Monax’len: DM Anthony – DM Brandon – DM Kent – DM Jo – DM Nick – DM MK – DM Tristan
Year 2 in Enteja: DM Eric – DM Pradip
Are you interested in joining the team? Check out the ‘Apply to DM‘ page and send us an email at: [email protected]