We’re very proud of our Season 1 DM team. Mark’s level of energy made a very happy table of families who get to play D&D together without mom or dad having to run the table, but getting to play in partnership with their kids! Super cool! Anthony’s brought high energy storytelling to a varied experience level and did an incredibly job of it! We also want to give a shout out to Kent, who has really helped every table here build Dwarven Forge terrain and made a massive contribution to quality by loaning out an incredible collection of terrain to help make every session, but in particular the Season 1 capstone event of Epic D&D go so incredibly well. Finally, but hardly least of all, we want to give credit to Vi, our fearless admin DM, that keeps this entire operation moving in a productive direction, and helps the store staff know when to bring in materials or what we need to do to make DMing and playing smoother.
You Dungeon Masters are what makes this event so special, and every player is incredibly grateful for all you did to make Season 1 amazing, and all you’re doing to grow Season 2! You’re amazing!

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